28 Open-source Free Next.js Blog Templates Starters

28 Open-source Free Next.js Blog Templates Starters

Next.js blog template starters are pre-designed and pre-built admin dashboard templates that are specifically tailored for Next.js applications. They provide a ready-to-use foundation for creating powerful and visually appealing dashboards for managing and monitoring data in Next.js apps.


Advantages of using open-source Next.js blog starters for fast production deployment on Vercel and Netlify include:

  1. Quick setup: The template provides an easy and streamlined setup process, allowing you to get your blog up and running quickly.
  2. Newsletter subscription: It includes built-in support for newsletter subscriptions via the Convertkit API, making it easy for readers to subscribe to your blog.
  3. Simple analytics: The template offers simple analytics integration using Umami, providing insights into your blog's traffic and performance.
  4. Automatic OG social images: It automatically generates Open Graph (OG) social images using a Tailwind template, enhancing the visual appeal of your blog on social media platforms.
  5. Pretty URLs: The template ensures that your blog's URLs are clean and user-friendly, improving the overall user experience.
  6. Excellent page speed: It is optimized for Next.js and Vercel, resulting in excellent page loading speeds and performance.
  7. Integration with Tailwind CSS: The template leverages the power of Tailwind CSS, allowing you to easily customize the styles and appearance of your blog.
  8. Deploy anywhere: You can deploy your blog to Vercel or Netlify, taking advantage of their global distribution capabilities and serverless architecture for fast and scalable deployments.

Here, you will find the top open-source Next.js blog template starters that can save you time and allow you to deploy your blog to various free platforms like Vercel.

1- Metablog

Metablog is a versatile blog template that utilizes Next.js, Tailwind CSS, and daisyUI. With Metablog, you can easily create your own Next.js blog.

GitHub - js-template/metablog-free: Next.js Blog Template with Typescript, Tailwind CSS, DaisyUI
Next.js Blog Template with Typescript, Tailwind CSS, DaisyUI - GitHub - js-template/metablog-free: Next.js Blog Template with Typescript, Tailwind CSS, DaisyUI

2- Blogify

Blogify is MIT open-source nextjs and tailwind css based template to build a blog with markdown.

GitHub - frontendweb3/blogify: Blogify is an open-source nextjs blog template design with tailwind CSS.
Blogify is an open-source nextjs blog template design with tailwind CSS. - GitHub - frontendweb3/blogify: Blogify is an open-source nextjs blog template design with tailwind CSS.

2- Minimalist

Metablog is a versatile blog template that utilizes Next.js, Tailwind CSS, and daisyUI. With Metablog, you can easily create your own Next.js blog.

GitHub - js-template/metablog-free: Next.js Blog Template with Typescript, Tailwind CSS, DaisyUI
Next.js Blog Template with Typescript, Tailwind CSS, DaisyUI - GitHub - js-template/metablog-free: Next.js Blog Template with Typescript, Tailwind CSS, DaisyUI

3- Tailnext

Tailnext is a free and open-source template to make your website using NextJS + Tailwind CSS. Ready to start a new project and designed taking into account best practices.


  • ✅ Integration with Tailwind CSS supporting Dark mode.
  • ✅ Production-ready scores in Lighthouse and PageSpeed Insights reports.
  • ✅ Image optimization and Font optimization.
  • ✅ Fast and SEO friendly blog.
  • ✅ Generation of project sitemap and robots.txt based on your routes.

GitHub - onwidget/tailnext: ⭕️ TailNext: Free template using Next.js 13 new app dir and Tailwind CSS.
⭕️ TailNext: Free template using Next.js 13 new app dir and Tailwind CSS. - GitHub - onwidget/tailnext: ⭕️ TailNext: Free template using Next.js 13 new app dir and Tailwind CSS.

4- Next.js TailwindCSS Blog Template with MDX

This is an open-source ⭐Build SEO optimized personal blog website with Next.js, Tailwind CSS and Contentlayer. If you want to learn to create this you can follow the tutorial link given in the Read me file.

GitHub - codebucks27/Nextjs-tailwindcss-blog-template: ⭐Build SEO optimized personal blog website with Next.js, Tailwind CSS and Contentlayer. If you want to learn to create this you can follow the tutorial link given in the Read me file.
⭐Build SEO optimized personal blog website with Next.js, Tailwind CSS and Contentlayer. If you want to learn to create this you can follow the tutorial link given in the Read me file. - GitHub - co…

5- Bookworm Light

Bookworm Light is a minimal multi-author free Next.js blog template. This highly customizable theme is ideal for creating any type of blog website, including food, recipes, beauty, lifestyle, photography, travel, health, fitness, and more.


  • 📄 13+ Pre-Designed Pages
  • ✍️ Multi-Author support
  • 🚀 Google Page Speed score 100! (Desktop)
  • ✉️ Supports Contact Form
  • 🔍 Search Functionality
  • 🌐 Semantic HTML Document Structure
  • 🖼️ Custom Logo Support
  • 🎨 Includes All SCSS Files
  • 🌅 Image Optimized With Next/image


  • 🏠 Home Page
  • ℹ️ About Page
  • 📞 Contact Page
  • 👤 Author Page
  • 👤 Single Author Page
  • 📚 Categories Page
  • 📄 Categories Single Page
  • 🔖 Tag Page
  • 🔖 Single Tag pages
  • 🎨 Elements Page
  • 🔒 Privacy policy page
  • 📚 Blog Page
  • 📝 Blog Single Page
GitHub - themefisher/bookworm-light-nextjs: Bookworm is a minimal NextJs, Tailwind CSS blog starter template.
Bookworm is a minimal NextJs, Tailwind CSS blog starter template. - GitHub - themefisher/bookworm-light-nextjs: Bookworm is a minimal NextJs, Tailwind CSS blog starter template.

6- Hydrogen

Hydrogen is a minimal & highly customizable free Next.js personal blog template ideal for creating personal blog website.


  • Google Page Speed score 100! (Desktop)
  • Supports Contact Form
  • Disqus Comment Support
  • Related Posts Suggestion
  • MDX Support with many built-in custom components
  • Semantic HTML Document Structure
  • Custom Logo Support
  • Includes All SCSS Files
  • Taxonomy Page Support
  • Images Optimized With Next/image
GitHub - statichunt/hydrogen-nextjs: Minimal & Highly Customizable NextJs Template for Personal Blog Website
Minimal & Highly Customizable NextJs Template for Personal Blog Website - GitHub - statichunt/hydrogen-nextjs: Minimal & Highly Customizable NextJs Template for Personal Blog Website

8- Nobelium

A static blog built on top of Notion and Nextjs, deployed on Vercel.

🚀  Fast and responsive

  • Fast page render and responsive design
  • Fast static generation with efficient compiler

🤖  Deploy instantly

  • Deploy on Vercel in minutes
  • Incremental regeneration and no need to redeploy after update the content in notion

🚙  Fully functional

  • Comments, full width page, quick search and tag filter
  • RSS, analytics, web vital... and much more

🎨  Easy for customization

  • Rich config options, support English & Chinese interface
  • Built with Tailwind CSS, easy for customization

🕸  Pretty URLs and SEO friendly

GitHub - craigary/nobelium: A static blog build on top of Notion and NextJS, deployed on Vercel.
A static blog build on top of Notion and NextJS, deployed on Vercel. - GitHub - craigary/nobelium: A static blog build on top of Notion and NextJS, deployed on Vercel.

9- NextCMS Ghost

  1. https://github.com/styxlab/next-cms-ghost


  • Supports Ghost v3 and v4
  • Infinite scroll

The easy-notion-blog is a starter-kit for Notion Blog. It helps you to start your Notion Blog easily and rapidly.

  • 🚀 Quite fast page loading
  • 📝 Can write a blog on your Notion
  • 🛠️ Can fully customize the site's appearance
  • ✅ Using official Notion APIs

GitHub - otoyo/easy-notion-blog: ✍️ Let’s start your own Notion Blog easily. / Notion Blogを始めましょう!
✍️ Let’s start your own Notion Blog easily. / Notion Blogを始めましょう! - GitHub - otoyo/easy-notion-blog: ✍️ Let’s start your own Notion Blog easily. / Notion Blogを始めましょう!

11- Digital Garden

This is a powerful and versatile open source blogging (digital gardening) template designed specifically for developers. It leverages the robust features of Next.js app router, MDX, Contentlayer, Tailwind CSS, @shadcn/ui, Lucide Icons, and other cutting-edge technologies. With support for frontmatter and high customizability in terms of colors, styles, and themes, this template offers developers a seamless and highly personalized blogging experience.

GitHub - thedevdavid/digital-garden: An open source blog (digital garden) template for developers
An open source blog (digital garden) template for developers - GitHub - thedevdavid/digital-garden: An open source blog (digital garden) template for developers

12- Notion Powered Blog Starter

This Notion-powered blog starter integrates with Vercel and Tailwind CSS. It offers quick setup, newsletter subscription via Convertkit API, simple analytics with Umami, automatic OG social images using a Tailwind template, pretty URLs, excellent page speed, and optimization for Next.js and Vercel.

GitHub - tuanphungcz/nextjs-notion-blog-starter: Notion-powered blog starter with @vercel and @tailwindcss
Notion-powered blog starter with @vercel and @tailwindcss - GitHub - tuanphungcz/nextjs-notion-blog-starter: Notion-powered blog starter with @vercel and @tailwindcss

13- NextPlate

Nextplate is a free starter template built with Next.js, TailwindCSS & TypeScript, providing everything you need to jumpstart your Next project and save valuable time.


  • 👥 Multi-Authors
  • 🎯 Similar Posts Suggestion
  • 🔍 Search Functionality
  • 🌑 Dark Mode
  • 🏷️ Tags & Categories
  • 🔗 Netlify setting pre-configured
  • 📞 Support contact form
  • 📱 Fully responsive
  • 📝 Write and update content in Markdown / MDX
  • 💬 Disqus Comment
  • 🔳 Syntax Highlighting

15+ Pre-designed Pages

  • 🏠 Homepage
  • 👤 About
  • 📞 Contact
  • 👥 Authors
  • 👤 Author Single
  • 📝 Blog
  • 📝 Blog Single
  • 🚫 Custom 404
  • 💡 Elements
  • 📄 Privacy Policy
  • 🏷️ Tags
  • 🏷️ Tag Single
  • 🗂️ Categories
  • 🗂️ Category Single
  • 🔍 Search

GitHub - zeon-studio/nextplate: Nextplate is a free starter template built with Next.js and TailwindCSS. It provides you with almost everything you need to jump-start your Next.js project. Try Nextplate and save yourself hours of work.
Nextplate is a free starter template built with Next.js and TailwindCSS. It provides you with almost everything you need to jump-start your Next.js project. Try Nextplate and save yourself hours of…

14- Nextjs Blog Starter

This is a modified and optimized Next.js blog starter project that uses modern tech stacks like TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, and Contentlayer.


  • Writing posts in GitHub flavored markdown or JSX with MDX
  • Posts frontmatter and structure transforming by Contentlayer
  • Auto generated table of content in posts based on headings
  • Optimized Code block with syntax highlighting, code title and copy utility
  • Styling both blog and posts with tailwindcss
  • Dark mode optimized with next-themes and tailwindcss
  • Comment system by giscus
  • Auto generated RSS feed and sitemaps
  • Managing SEO by next-seo

GitHub - piovischioh/nextjs-blog-starter: This is a Next.js blog starter project building with modern tech stacks like TypeScript, Tailwind CSS and Contentlayer.
This is a Next.js blog starter project building with modern tech stacks like TypeScript, Tailwind CSS and Contentlayer. - GitHub - piovischioh/nextjs-blog-starter: This is a Next.js blog starter pr…

15- Nextjs Blog Starter

Next.js blog starter with sitemap and RSS feed, Markdown, Prism syntax highlighting, Tailwind CSS v3.0, Google Analytics, SendGrid

GitHub - sandypockets/nextjs-blog-starter: Next.js blog starter with sitemap and RSS feed, Markdown, Prism syntax highlighting, Tailwind CSS v3.0, Google Analytics, SendGrid
Next.js blog starter with sitemap and RSS feed, Markdown, Prism syntax highlighting, Tailwind CSS v3.0, Google Analytics, SendGrid - GitHub - sandypockets/nextjs-blog-starter: Next.js blog starter…

16- Next TinaCMS Blog Kit

This Blog Starter is the perfect foundation for writing your next blog, portfolio or online publication using Next.js, Tina CMS and Tailwind CSS.


  • ✅ Responsive, fast and ready-to-deploy Next.js Blog Starter
  • 📄 Write your articles with all the power of Tina CMS and MDX
  • ⚡ Live-reloading MDX content
  • 🚀 Search Engine Optimized (SEO) out-of-the-box
  • 📂 Sitemap and RSS generated automatically
  • 🎨 Dark and Light themes
  • ✨ Written with strict Typescript, validated with EsLint, formatted with Prettier
  • 👨‍💻 Developed, maintained and used by Makerkit

GitHub - makerkit/next-tinacms-blog-kit: Blog Starter for your next blog, portfolio or online publication using Next.js, Tina CMS and Tailwind CSS.
Blog Starter for your next blog, portfolio or online publication using Next.js, Tina CMS and Tailwind CSS. - GitHub - makerkit/next-tinacms-blog-kit: Blog Starter for your next blog, portfolio or o…

17- Simple Blog

Blog template build with Next.js and React

GitHub - GVatest/simple-blog: Blog template build with Next JS and React
Blog template build with Next JS and React. Contribute to GVatest/simple-blog development by creating an account on GitHub.

18- Next js 12 Blog Boilerplate with Tailwind CSS

🚀 Next.js Blog Boilerplate is starter code for your blog based on Next.js 12+ framework with Tailwind CSS 3.0. ⚡️ Made with Next.js, TypeScript, ESLint, Prettier, PostCSS, Tailwind CSS.

Blog feature:

  • 🎈 Syntax Highlighting with Prism.js
  • 🤖 SEO metadata and Open Graph tags
  • ⚙️ JSON-LD for richer indexing
  • 📖 Pagination
  • 🌈 Include a FREE minimalist blog theme
  • ⬇️ Markdown
  • 💯 Maximize lighthouse score

Developer experience first:

GitHub - ixartz/Next-js-Blog-Boilerplate: 🚀 Nextjs Blog Boilerplate is starter code for your blog based on Next framework. ⚡️ Made with Nextjs 12, TypeScript, ESLint, Prettier, PostCSS, Tailwind CSS 3.
🚀 Nextjs Blog Boilerplate is starter code for your blog based on Next framework. ⚡️ Made with Nextjs 12, TypeScript, ESLint, Prettier, PostCSS, Tailwind CSS 3. - GitHub - ixartz/Next-js-Blog-Boiler…

19- Prismic + Next.js Blog Starter

This sample blog is an excellent starting point to explore Next.js and Prismic. Get it up and running in minutes. Modify and adapt it to your liking; it's all yours!

GitHub - prismicio-community/nextjs-starter-prismic-blog: Blog project with Next.js & Prismic
Blog project with Next.js & Prismic. Contribute to prismicio-community/nextjs-starter-prismic-blog development by creating an account on GitHub.

20- Next.js MDX Blog Starter

Next.js MDX Blog Starter for building blogs with Next.js and MDX, including Theme UI Component Design System, Vercel Deployment and more.

GitHub - johnpolacek/nextjs-mdx-blog-starter: Next.js MDX Blog Starter for building blogs with Next.js and MDX, including Theme UI Component Design System, Vercel Deployment and more.
Next.js MDX Blog Starter for building blogs with Next.js and MDX, including Theme UI Component Design System, Vercel Deployment and more. - GitHub - johnpolacek/nextjs-mdx-blog-starter: Next.js MDX…

21- Next.js + Contentful Blog Starter

This is an example repository for you to use to create a new blog site using Next.js and Contentful, using Contentful's GraphQL API.

GitHub - whitep4nth3r/nextjs-contentful-blog-starter: This starter repository is no longer maintained.
This starter repository is no longer maintained. Contribute to whitep4nth3r/nextjs-contentful-blog-starter development by creating an account on GitHub.

22- Next.js Blog Starter with Markdown Support

This is a free and open-source Next.js Markdown blog.


GitHub - JoseRFelix/nextjs-starter-blog: Next.js template for creating a blog. Now with dark mode and Next.js 12 🎉
Next.js template for creating a blog. Now with dark mode and Next.js 12 🎉 - GitHub - JoseRFelix/nextjs-starter-blog: Next.js template for creating a blog. Now with dark mode and Next.js 12 🎉

23- Geeky Next.js

Geeky is a free Next.js personal blog template.

Its features include: Google Page Speed score of 100, support for a contact form and Disqus comments, related posts suggestion, MDX support with custom components, semantic HTML structure, custom logo support, SCSS file inclusion, taxonomy page support, and optimized images with Next/image.

GitHub - statichunt/geeky-nextjs: Geeky is a free blog template built with NextJS & Tailwind
Geeky is a free blog template built with NextJS & Tailwind - GitHub - statichunt/geeky-nextjs: Geeky is a free blog template built with NextJS & Tailwind

24- Next.js 12 and Tailwind Blog Starter

This customizable blog starter utilizes Next.js v12, Tailwind v3.0, and includes built-in MDX v1 support. It offers a modern design with dark and light themes and can be easily integrated with any Jamstack platform using environment variables.

GitHub - netlify-templates/nextjs-blog-theme: A customizable Next.js and Tailwind blog starter. Designed by the Bejamas agency.
A customizable Next.js and Tailwind blog starter. Designed by the Bejamas agency. - GitHub - netlify-templates/nextjs-blog-theme: A customizable Next.js and Tailwind blog starter. Designed by the B…

25- Caasy Blog Template

This NextJS blog template showcases the usage of the Caasy Javascript SDK to render content from Caasy, a headless content as a service. It supports various elements such as containers, headlines, images, sanitized and highlighted markdown, rich text, text, and YouTube videos. Customization options include color customization and the ability to create static pages using static markdown files.

GitHub - jz222/caasy-nextjs-blog-template: A modern NextJS blog template that demonstrates how to use the official Caasy JS SDK 🧑‍💻👩‍💻
A modern NextJS blog template that demonstrates how to use the official Caasy JS SDK 🧑‍💻👩‍💻 - GitHub - jz222/caasy-nextjs-blog-template: A modern NextJS blog template that demonstrates how to use t…

26- Nextra Blog Theme

This open-source template starter using Nextra includes a home page, author support, tags support, newsletter support, comment support, syntax highlighting, customization options for header, post footer, and footer, as well as SEO and sitemap support.

GitHub - frontendweb3/nextra-blog: personal Portfolio blog with nextra, nextjs and tailwindcss
personal Portfolio blog with nextra, nextjs and tailwindcss - GitHub - frontendweb3/nextra-blog: personal Portfolio blog with nextra, nextjs and tailwindcss

27- NextJS - MDX - shadcn-ui - Tailwind - Blog

A Next.js starter template for a blog or personal site, built with Next.js, Contentlayer for content processing, MDX for writing posts, shadcn-ui for UI components, and Tailwind CSS for styling.

GitHub - ChangoMan/nextjs-mdx-blog: UPDATED to Next.js App Router! Starter template built with Contentlayer, MDX, shadcn-ui, and Tailwind CSS.
UPDATED to Next.js App Router! Starter template built with Contentlayer, MDX, shadcn-ui, and Tailwind CSS. - GitHub - ChangoMan/nextjs-mdx-blog: UPDATED to Next.js App Router! Starter template buil…

28- Tailwind Nextjs TypeScript Starter Blog

This is an open-source features-rich TailwindCSS with TypeScript blog template starter for Next.js.


GitHub - yunsii/tailwind-nextjs-typescript-starter-blog: Blogging starter template based on Tailwind + Next.js + TypeScript.
Blogging starter template based on Tailwind + Next.js + TypeScript. - GitHub - yunsii/tailwind-nextjs-typescript-starter-blog: Blogging starter template based on Tailwind + Next.js + TypeScript.

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